Saturday, August 31, 2019

Health Care Usa vs. France

Comparison of the Health Care Systems: France and the United States| Yet in 1948 the United Nations proclaimed that, â€Å"everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of oneself and one's family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care. † We should understand that health care should be considered a human right, rather than an economical benefit. However, there are two hundred countries in the World and many of them still lack an adequate health care system. Throughout the World health, except the U. S. , care systems tend to follow general patterns.There are four basic models: Beveridge, Bismarck, the National health insurance, and the out-of-pocket. The Beveridge model named after the founder of British health care system William Beveridge. According to McCanne (2010), the majority of hospitals and clinics are owned by government. In this model the government is a sole payer, which controls the costs of medical expenses. T herefore, there is the tendency for low cost per capita. The second model of health care named after a founder of European welfare Otto von Bismarck. The major principle of this system based on the insurance plans, which financed jointly by employers and employees.Moreover, the insurance plans are non-profit and cover everyone. The government tightly regulates and controls the health system, that allows to keep low medical costs. The third model is a the National health insurance model. It uses private sector of health providers, but payments come from a government based insurance, to which every citizen must pay. The National health insurance controls and keeps low prices for medical services, and tend to be cheaper and simpler administratively. The last and most disorganized health system follows the out-of-pocket model.The major principle of that system based on the money and basically people with money can get the medical assistance, whereas poor get sicker or die. According to the World health report (2000) released by World Health Organization, France is the country that provides the best health care. The same report states, â€Å"The U. S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance. † The question is, why equally strong, politically and economically, countries have such significant difference of health care performance?Certainly, one of the major dissimilarity of the systems is the difference of health care models. The French health system rigorously follows only one, as most of European countries, the Bismarck's model. At first glance it seems to be very similar to the American; both countries widely use an insurance system, where employers and employee are both responsible for an insurance payment. However, in contrast to USA, the biggest fundamental difference between the two systems is that the Bismarck-type health insurance plans ha ve to cover everybody, and they do not make a profit.Opposite to France, the United States of America does not follow any of the models of health care. American health care system have elements of all of the models. When it comes to treating veterans, it becomes a government owned and controlled system, as Beveridge model. For Medicare dependant Americans and population over the age of 65, our health care system uses the model of National Health Insurance, otherwise known as universal health system, which tends to be cheaper and simpler. The health care system of a working population, who gets insurance through the employer, is more aligned with the Bismarck model.Finally, for those fifteen percent of Americans, who do not have any health care insurance the current system becomes an Out-of-Pocket Model, which is primarily used in Third World countries. Most of health care industries in the World, in order to be efficient, try to meet only three of the models, but very important basi cs: costs, quality and access. All those major elements of a health care system have a complex and often challenging nature; they often interlace with each other, what leads to a conglomerate of hard solvable health care issues.For example, the quality of care is tightly bounded to the cost of therapeutic and diagnostic procedures. Consequently, the high cost of health care puts access restrictions for certain populations. Therefore, one of the major health industry concerns is access to quality and affordable health care. The French health care system combines universal coverage with a public–private mix of hospital and ambulatory care, higher levels of resources, and a higher volume of service provision than in the United States (Rodwin, 1993) As shown in Table 1, France has a higher physicians' density per population than USA.Moreover, there is a significant difference, of more than 50%, between physicians of general practice and more disparity in more specialized practice s. It demonstrates that French health care is based on more generalized medicine, than the US, where high costly specialty medicine is common practice. Table 1, Health Care Resources: France and United States, 1997–2000. American Journal of Public Health 2003 Resources| France| US| Active physicians per 1000 population| 3. 3 | 2. 8| Active physicians in private, office-based practice per 1000 population| 1. 9| 1. | General/family practice, %| 53. 3| 22. 5| Obstetricians, pediatricians, and internists, %| 7. 5| 35. 6| Other specialists, %| 39. 2| 41. 0| Non-physician personnel per acute hospital bed| 1. 9 | 5. 7 | Total inpatient hospital beds per 1000 population| 8. 5| 3. 7| Short-stay hospital beds per 1000 population| 4. 0| 3. 0| Share of public beds, %| 64. 2| 19. 2| Share of private beds, %| 35. 8| 80. 8| Proprietary beds as percentage of private beds, %| 56| 12| Nonprofit beds as percentage of private beds, %| 44| 88| Share of proprietary beds, %| 27| 10. 7| France and t he U. S. ace a crises of unprecedented scope. Both countries possess large and growing elderly populations that threaten to push the pace of health care price increases even higher than their already faster-than-inflation rates. (Dutton, 2011) However, France has wide access to comprehensive health services for a population that is, on average, older than that of the United States (Rodwin, 1993). France and the United States, relies on both private insurance and government insurance. In both countries, working populations generally receive their insurance through their employer. However, French health care s based on the National Health Insurance and there is no uninsured population. French national insurance covers about 70 percent of the medical bills, the rest of the 30 percents is paid by private insurance companies, which are typically provided and paid by employer. Furthermore, contradictory to the common American opinion, that universal health care system does not allow one t o choose doctors, hospitals and clinics, French people are not restricted in their choice of medical professionals and institutions, and they freely navigate themselves from doctor to doctor (Imai, Jacobzone, Lenain, 2000).In contrast to that, certain American HMOs allow their members to visit doctors strictly in their systems. The other tremendous distinction of the French health care system is that there is no discrimination of people with preexisting conditions. Moreover, individuals with preexisting conditions have a priority and receive more coverage; patients with long-standing diseases, such as mental illness, cancer, diabetes, obtain 100 percent governmental support for all medical expenses, including surgeries, therapy and pharmaceutical agents (Imai et. al. , 2000).At a final point, most of American's health budget oriented on the end of life diseases, which as a rule, heavily involve costly sophisticated technology and procedures, that enormously brings operating cost up. At the same time USA still neglects major successful health care steps such as disease prevention and public health education. This perhaps explains, in spite of impressive achievements in the biomedical science and technology the US do not have a better health care performance. References Dutton,V. P. (2011). Health care in France and the United States: Learning from each other. Imai, Y. Jacobzone, S. , Lenain, P. (2000). The changing health system in France. France: Economics department, organization for economic cooperation and development. p. 268. McCanne, D. (2010). Health Care Systems – Four Basic Models. Physicians for a National Health Program, p. 1 Rodwin V, Sandier S. 2003; Health care under French national health insurance. 12(3):113–131. American Journal of Public Health 2003 The universal declaration of human rights. Article 25. (1948) World Health Organization, (2000). The world health report 2000 – World Health Organization Assesses the World's H ealth Systems.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Who Made the Mistake

NAME: ZEENAT AMEEN MOHAMMED ID NO: 7401 COURSE NAME: CROSS CULTURAL COMMUNICATION TOPIC: WHO MADE A SERIOUS MISTAKE? LECTURER: DR. SHARON CASE STUDY: WHO MADE A SERIOUS MISTAKE? 3. 1IDENTIFYING THE FACTS OF THE CASE: The facts of the case are: * Jean safari was investigating a serious error made by a Japanese worker at the Japanese subsidiary of a US multinational. * A component had been inserted upside down, and the entire batch has been pulled out of production to be reworked. * The cost of repairing is on the high side. * The director claimed not to know who was responsible for the damage. The group did not tell him the specific woman involved. * The whole group has accepted responsibility of the event. * The woman concerned tried to resign from work but her coworkers coax her back again, the groups is aware that she is new and they did not help her enough or look out for her or see that she was properly trained. * The entire group decided to take responsibility and apologize to j ean. 3. 2 STATING THE PROBLEM The problem in this case is that Jean needs to find the culprit who fixed the component upside down. 3. 3 SETTING THE OBJECTIVESThe objectives of this case are to find out the culprit and for the culprit to be punished in order to avoid future reputation of the same event. 3. 4 IDENTIFYING THE AREAS OF CONSIDERATION IN THIS CASE The problem in this case is that jean wants to know the culprit in order for her to punish the person involved to avoid any similar case in the future, but the plant manager regards this as not important if the culprit has realized her mistake, but on the other hand, Jean Safari thinks its important for her to find out the person, and take an action against her.Jean Safari is a UNIVERSALIST and believes in INDIVIDUALISM also meaning she is concerned about the rules of the firm and the person involved should be punished individually, but the plant manager and the remaining workers are PARTICULARIST and they believe in COMMUNATALI SM, they believe in the relationship they have with one another and they work as a group which makes them COMMUNTALIST in nature.UNIVERSALIST: In Universalist culture, the rules apply equally to the whole †universe† of members, regardless of relationships General rules, codes, values and standards †What is good and right can be defined and always applied† In a Universal society such as the U. S. , rules and contracts are developed which can apply in any situation. There is a belief that what is good or true can be discovered, defined, and applied to every situation.Because of their Universalist approach, in a business situation Americans will want to rely on a contract to communicate the terms of an agreement and to define the relationship between the parties. PARTICULARISM: Particularism is based on logic of the heart and human friendship. China is a particularistic culture where people look at relationships and circumstances in a specific situation to decid e what is right. For the Chinese, the legal contract communicates a starting point for an agreement. As circumstances change so too should the terms of the agreement.For the Chinese, the situation and the particular individuals involved are what define relationship. INDIVIDUALISM: Individualism is a theory maintaining the political and economic independence of the individual and stressing individual initiative, action, and interests also conduct or practice guided by such a theory. Individualism places great value on self-reliance, on privacy, and on mutual respect. Negatively, it embraces opposition to authority and to all manner of controls over the individual, especially when exercised by the state.As a theory of human nature, individualism holds that the interests of the normal adult are best served by allowing him maximum freedom and responsibility for choosing his objectives and the means for obtaining them. COMMUNATALISM: Communitarianism is an ideology that emphasizes the co nnection between the individual and the community. That community may be the family unit, but it can also be understood in a far wider sense of personal interaction, of geographical location, or of shared history. 3. 5 PROPOSING THREE ALTERNATIVE COURSE OF ACTIONS ST ALTERNATIVE: The first alternative would be to use PUNISHMENT (SUSPENSION) because if the culprit is being suspended from work he would not be paid for those days that he wont be around because it would be considered he is not working for the main time he would not be around this would help in disciplining of other workers in the organization and it would avoid further mistakes and lack of concentration and new employees would be watched thoroughly and all the existing workers would help the new ones and get them on track to do the new job. nd ALTERNATIVE: The second alternative could be CONSIDERATION, the culprit could be considered so as to allow the worker with the impression he would not repeat the same mistake agai n.The advantage of this is the worker would be happy to work in the firm knowing that the firm considered him and this also would motivate him/her and other coworkers but also consideration might also have a negative effect, if the workers know that they are always considered when they make a mistake every worker would make a mistake and would expect to be considered employees will develop a sense of rebellion in response to punishment rather than seeing it as a deterrent to a particular activity. rd ALTERNATIVE: The third alternative should be WARNING a culprit could be seriously warned not to attempt doing such offence again and if he repeats it a serious action would be taken against him/her I this way the culprits and the other co workers would be very careful in their dealings in the firm, the disadvantage of this might be, some workers would not adhere to the rules and regulations of the firm knowing that the highest thing that can happen would be a warning letter. 3. 6 CHOOSI NG AND RECOMMENDING THE BEST SOLUTIONThe best solution to this case is WARNING and SUSPENSION because if the culprit is warned she would not repeat such offence again in future since it would be clearly stated that if the offence is done again a serious action would be taken, if the culprit is punished this would make other workers scared and some might even leave the organization which would be at the risk of the organization in general, and also if the worker is suspended this would bring a huge difference in the attitude of workers in the organization since they know that a serious action would be taken against them therefore they would be more careful when they are doing the job.BIBLIOGRAPHY bukchin, m. (2012, october 25). http://www. via-web. de/universalism-versus-particularism/. Retrieved march 22, 2013, from http://www. via-web. de/universalism-versus-particularism/: http://www. via-web. de/universalism-versus-particularism/ media, d. (2012, september 5). http://www. meez. c om/community. dm? furl=http%3A//forums. meez. com/forums/serious-topics/6221608-individualism-vs-communalism. html. Retrieved march 22, 2013, from http://www. meez. com/community. dm? furl=http%3A//forums. meez. com/forums/serious-topics/6221608-individualism-vs-communalism. html: http://www. meez. com/community. dm? furl=http%3A//forums. meez. om/forums/serious-topics/6221608-individualism-vs-communalism. html mitchel, c. (2011, august 6). http://www. theaustralian. com. au/national-affairs/opinion/individualism-versus-communalism/story-e6frgd0x-1226109346928. Retrieved march 22, 2013, from http://www. theaustralian. com. au/national-affairs/opinion/individualism-versus-communalism/story-e6frgd0x-1226109346928: http://www. theaustralian. com. au/national-affairs/opinion/individualism-versus-communalism/story-e6frgd0x-1226109346928 webstar, m. (2013, february 3). http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/particularism. Retrieved march 22, 2013, from http://www. merriam-webster. co m/dictionary/particularism:

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Civil Rebuttal

A Civil Rebuttal Essay A Civil Rebuttal Essay Philosophy a:pursuit of wisdom. b:a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means. Through this most specific definition given to us respectively by Sir Websters dictionary, I choose in my best interest to refrain to you just what the meaning of philosophy is. I implore you to try and comprehend this matter in what exactly this word brought abrupt to us is about. The word philosophy has two definitive definitions. The first simply means to pursue, or strive for, wisdom. I beg to differ in the understanding of the fault I make in trying to gain this unprecedented knowledge. The knowledge that we as a unity try to strive for have made us, again as a unity, divides. I asked myself exactly how we have achieved civilized chaos in the search for our solutions and resolutions of the very virus it seems we have caused. I would not of course go so far as to say a civil war between the generations within this house, but moreover to express that simply by me using philosophy, it becomes not only my benefit, but a mutualism between us. Please feel more than obliged to correct me if I am incorrect (morally or politically) but are we not all philosophers ourselves? As a bakers vocation is to bake, a philosophers vocation is to think. Is it not that we all think? I was deeply saddened at your comments in the oppression and restriction to what I may or may not strive to think. As a pacifist and non- sadist, I call what you believe in as ingraining or indoctrination, whereas our own society may call it brainwashing. Our human nature gives us freedom, as does the Constitution. It guarantees us the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Within the refines of this home, I find it a task to see those liberties granted. Here is a few of the worlds greatest oppressors: Jim Jones, Adolph Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar, David Koresh, and Anton Szandor LaVey. I know, as well as you, that these notorious six are among the worlds most hated. However here are a few oppressors from another standpoint: Sigmund Freud, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Jesus Christ, Mahatma Ghandi, and Siddharta Guatama the Buddha. These are the exact opposite of the previously mentioned, who put an oppression into a good morality. Its not about who uses the gift, its the entirety of the users ethics. The second definition of the word philosophy aptly states that it is the desire to learn more through speculation rather than observation. Without speculation, we as a planet would be at loss. There would never have been discoveries of planets, medicinal uses, genetic finds, and behavioral studies. Lets face it, without philosophy, we would still get leeched at the doctors for the common cold. These fine discoveries were all made by philosophers. Now these philosophers were brave enough to challenge science, the government, and even the Church. Now, I am not one to stand here and say that I will believe in unholy blasphemy, but rather I feel I should receive the liberty to speak freely as long as I hold myself in a civil and adult manner. In conclusion to this essay, I must tell you that this in itself is my philosophy. I believe it was the great reformist Voltaire who says, I do not agree with a single word you say, but will fight to the death your right to say it. In some respects, I feel non-indifferent to his theory. So I beseech you to help yourselves as well as others in this house to let me speak freely of my philosophy, for the word is simply a synonym to the word think. The famous quote, I think, therefore I am. Furthermore, if we do not philosophize, we do not think. Scholars have made it known that the only relics of others are within their philosophy. For instance, GOD, Elshadai, or Adanai, is known exclusively through his philosophies. The Bible refers to creation as, . . . and GOD saw it was good. . . GOD philosophized that things were good. I know you cannot disagree with me on this reasoning, for you would be one to doubt GOD. I am trying my best to not make this about theology, but to simply keep it within one field. In short: the only people that choose .

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Small Groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Small Groups - Essay Example The norms that surround the group are very healthy for the group as well as for the organization. Members who have just entered the organization have various creative ideas, which help in looking at a problem from different perspectives and these perspectives help in the stage of obtaining various solutions of the decision making process. Work never stops within the group as group members are ready to replace and help each other if a particular group member has to take a leave or doesn’t have enough knowledge, skills and abilities to perform a particular job. My own role within the group is that of a leader, my main task is to influence other group members to ensure that they work for the well being of the company and others working within the group. My secondary task involves allocation of resources and ensuring that the right resources are available to the right members at the right time so they can continue working and there is not obstacle while they perform their task. I even act as a mediator between the group members and the members of the organization that are situated in the top most level of the organization. The group members have considerable amount of influence on my behavior, their awareness and experience power have made me and the group dependant on them. Their understanding and know-how is very important for the achievement of the tasks and accomplishment of the tasks is important for my status within the organization. Due to this I behave in a very considerate manner with the followers, I allow them to be creative and to come up with different opinions which may help me in decision making process. The pride and high opinion they have for me and other group members help me follow the ethical code of conduct. I as a leader am very emotionally intelligent; I continuously look for emotional issues faced by the members of the groups which help me in dealing with their issues. Due to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

World monetary system and the role of IMF Term Paper

World monetary system and the role of IMF - Term Paper Example Also, there are resentments about the IMF’s interferences in the internal economic policies of the countries in matters related to opening up of industries to globalization, privatization of public sector companies, fiscal discipline, abolition of subsidies for narrowing down the budget deficits and reform processes. This paper seeks to review the role of IMF in world monetary system and the relevance of their policies under current developments in international economy. Since world monetary system is linked to world economy, the analysis covers its impact on world economy and the adequacy of the system to deal with the emerging challenges in relation to its objectives. Introduction â€Å"The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 188 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.† (IMF) In the backdrop of increasing globalization drive in various countries, technological developments, advent of internet and mobile telephony, the international trade has undergone significant changes over years.... The adequacy of the international monetary system in dealing with these ground level changes has to be revisited with a view to realign scope of functioning of the IMF in tune with developments in world economy. Review of literature IMF extends credit facilities to the countries with a view to ensure stability and balanced economic growth among the world countries. The gold-standard system adopted at Bretton Woods Conference in 1914 with the aim of encouraging economic discipline through sound economic policies has failed. Devaluation of currencies after World War - I by many countries to make their exports competitive in the world markets and trade restrictions to protect their domestic economies have severely affected global economic growth. In order to prevent collapse of global economic system and provide monetary order, proposal for setting up of International Monetary Fund and a World Bank for Reconstruction and Development were mooted in the Bretton Woods in 1944. The US with huge gold reserves and with infrastructure not damaged by war had to play a crucial role in the IMF with the primary aim of providing credit to the countries with deficit in Balance of payments. However, the credit facilities were subject to conditions with regard to revamping of the economic policies of the countries to ensure stability and avoid any crisis in the future. The system of fixed exchange rates at par value of the currencies fixed in terms of dollar or gold worked well for some time, but defending the par values became increasingly difficult for countries. Currently, floating exchange rates governed by demand and supply are predominantly in force. IMF has played a pivotal role in

Monday, August 26, 2019

Roman coin activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Roman coin activity - Essay Example However, other coins used by the Romans are made of silver as well as other elements. This is responsible for the great variations seen in majority of the Roman coins. Moreover, the difference in types of the Roman coins is a factor of the emperor who was in reign during those periods. Every emperor had certain features within the Roman coin that distinguished him from the rest of other emperors. Examples of such Roman emperors who reigned and had different coins include the Emperor Julius Caesar, Emperor Alexander the Great and Emperor Augustus Denarius. In the Roman coin chosen, the emperor at the back is called Emperor Julius Caesar. This emperor reigned for several years. He was a dictator. He reigned from October 49 BC to March 44 BC1. During his reign, several political changes were experienced in Rome. He was a very influential man who could bring political saturations with relative ease, effected by the dictatorial leadership that characterized his reign. It is of critical significance to note that Emperor Julius Caesar contributed a lot towards ensuring that Rome abolished the issue of The Roman Republic and adopt the Roman Empire. This was one of the things that Emperor Julius Caesar did during his reign. In addition, Emperor Julius Caesar was known for his political strength during the period of his reign. For instance, the emperor conquered several states as well as regions during his reign. One of the regions conquered by the emperor is the region of Gaul whose conquest was accomplished in the 51 BC. In addition, the Emperor also invaded Britain and conquered some parts of the region. This led to expansion of the empire of Rome during those periods when Emperor Julius Caesar was in reign. Moreover, the emperor initiated the creation of the Julian calendar2. However, during those periods, several civil and political conflicts were happening in the Roman Empire. This led to a state of political unrest that later on led to several incidences

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Paper about TANF known by americans as welfare Essay

Paper about TANF known by americans as welfare - Essay Example It advocates the need for jobs, marriages, two parent families and also tries to prevent out of marriage pregnancies. Sharon Hays through her book â€Å"Flat Broke with Children† gives us an interesting insight into the world of the social workers who aid in carrying out the welfare programs under TANF and also tell us the story from the view points of those who receive the aid. TANF which came in place of the Emergency Assistance program (EA), the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program and the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS) was a welcome change to the social workers who all were involved with various welfare organizations throughout the United States of America. As Hays (2004) points out â€Å" most of welfare caseworkers I met were optimistic about the new law, at least in the first year of its enactment.....a number of case workers, echoing popular sentiment, told me that welfare had become a trap and the clients had become dependentâ₠¬  (Hays, 2004, p. 4). So the social workers felt that to impart training to the poor clients and make them suitable for various jobs would be a change of scenario, both for the worker and the recipient. However as Hays travels through the various phases of this program and meets various clients and aid workers over an extended period of time she finds many pitfalls in this assistance program. Though facts and figures prove that this program is a resounding success but as we travel with Hays we find that not everything is as rosy as it seems. Her research work which nearly extended for about three years gives us, in vivid details, as to the happenings in the various welfare program offices and in the homes of the recipients of this aid. She explores the various social values that this aid program tries to instill in its recipients and the inherent contradictions that arise while trying to apply these values in every day

Substance Abuse Counseling- Family Roles and Dynamics Assignment

Substance Abuse Counseling- Family Roles and Dynamics - Assignment Example For instance, in cases where parents are users of such substances like alcohol, the dependents always tend to follow suite, and especially for those whose parents were very prone to alcohol. A research conducted in the US found that almost half of all children (35.6 million) live in a household where a parent or other adult uses tobacco, drinks heavily or uses illicit drugs. Family wrangles and divorce have been a significant source of substance addiction and abuse. In a research conducted, it was found that children who were subjected to parental divorce can lead to a child’s risk to substance use. It was found that over 50% of teens whose parents had divorced were likely to drink alcohol than those who had both their parents (The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, 2005). Members of family of substance abusers regularly live in constant fear that their flimsy surroundings could collapse. Those families affected by substance abuse are usually characterized by marital problems, increased exposure to diseases, child neglect or abuse, inconsistent childcare, exposure to crime, social isolation, children’s academic problems, domestic violence, shifting family roles, and financial difficulties. In financial problems, substance abusers are exposed to long-term unemployment, injuries/accidents at work, and job instability; this puts their families under intense financial pressure (The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, 2005). For instance, time spent assisting a substance abusing family member can minimize the time available for work and this ultimately minimizes family earnings. In another instance, substance abuse in a family increases the probability of divorce and unhappy marriages. It is suggested that substance abuse in a family can influence its quality. Poorer relations in a marriage are more likely in alcoholic men

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Houstons Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Houstons Education - Essay Example This paper illustrates that educating prospects have an important role in Houston’s value of life. Houston is one of the cities in the United States and people identify it for its renowned school districts in addition to prominent universities and colleges. The innumerable educational opportunities in the city amaze those desiring to pursue higher education in addition to the novices with families. Independent schools in Houston area function with the primary basis that each child should and can learn. Houston community and educators work towards creating an educational environment of high quality to satisfy the requirements of a gradually more varied student populace. This makes Houston lead in education comparing to other cities in America. When people consider locations with high paying jobs big metro places such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, and Houston are typically the places that come to mind or cities having the highest population of educated workers for ins tance Boston. Individuals fail to consider Houston as a prosperous and upcoming city when they think of cities. However, being a sprawling city, education choices are abundant. In the Greater Houston region, there are sixty-seven school districts every district with several government schools in addition to not less than 180 private and parochial schools. Expat guardians will require cautiously assessing their priorities and then deciding which institution can satisfy their preferences best. This is why Houston is a leading city in America in Education. Houston contains not less than 40 institutions, universities, and colleges providing higher education alternatives to fit all interests. The city certainly is the top job creator, which is the residence of the flourishing energy industry in the United States and is more varied compared to other cities such as New York. Rice University and The University of Houston implies that there exist smart people in America. The Houston Universi ty contains 41000 students and in 2011, the Carnegie University elevated it to Tier 1 rank. Rice University positioned 17th nationally with mainly strong courses in applied sciences is among the best undergraduate schools in the country.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Child Gas-lift chair product Operator's Manual and Maintenance Assignment

Child Gas-lift chair product Operator's Manual and Maintenance Instruction - Assignment Example A gas-lift chair is meant for disabled children or those that have been bound to a chair for life. It is simplified in a way that the child is able to understand and remember the function of every feature on the chair comfortably. Implementing gas lift chair safety measures is not only important to the child but also to the manufacture. It is important for a child to know that Child Gas-lift Chair Company is not responsible of any damage or injury to child on the chair if; the damage occurred during transportation, since the chair is not meant for transport, as a result of wear and tear or due to fixation of fake accessories. All this can only be settled and avoided by following all the safety measures provided by the Child Gas-lift Chair Company (User manual, 2008). It may seem unnecessary but the child should ensure safety even on delivery and when unpacking the gas chair. This is because even as new as it may look it might be damage, posing a danger to the child if unnoticed. If the chair is damaged, the child should inform Child Gas-lift Company to either replace it or repair it (Burke, 2012). On the chair there two main features the child should consider the lever and the brake. The lever, which is usually below the seat, will help the child adjust the seats height by pulling it upwards. In case the child wishes to lower the seat, pulling the lever upwards will allow outflow of gas to a separate reservoir above the piston, effectively lowering the gas pressure below the piston and the seat goes down. To raise the seat the child need to get off the chair to allow in flow of air. The child should also understand that gas lift chairs are not meant for transport and should not be used in place of a wheel chair. In fact the child should not be on the chair during transportation. The other most important thing of all is that the child needs to know the maximum weight limit of the chair above

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Branch of government Essay Example for Free

Branch of government Essay The executive branch is the most important government branch. The executive branch is the 3rd branch of government and with out it, the entire system would be backwards and out of order. The executive is the branch of a government charged with implementing, or executing, the law and running the day-to-day affairs of the government or state. The de facto most senior figure in an executive is referred to as the head of government. The executive may be referred to as the administration, in presidential systems, or simply as the government, in parliamentary systems. The Executive branch provides national security and without national security there would definetley be no order and protection in the nation. The executive branch makes the President the commander in chief, the executive branch also makes the president the economic leader. The president appoints cabinet members, the cabinet contains the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General (Justice Department), the Secretary of the Interior, The Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, The, Secretary of Labor, The Secretary of Health and Human Services ,the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Energy and, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. The executive branch is the most important branch of government because without the cabinet and all the departments, the country would be in turmoil. If there were no laws to execute then the whole country would be out of order. If there was no executive branch there would be no running the functions of the state, managing the bureaucracy, and deciding how to enforce the law. The organizational structure of the executive branch will determine the relationship between the heads of state and government respectively. The Executive Branch also carries out the laws. In a presidential system the leader of the executive branch is at once the head of state and head of government. In a parliamentary system, a cabinet minister with the title of prime minister is head of government, while the head of state is a largely ceremonial monarch or president.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The History Of Bitumen Engineering Essay

The History Of Bitumen Engineering Essay Bitumen is described as mankinds oldest engineering material. This fact is supported by some evidence. Back at the time, nearly 3000 years BC, the Sumerians in Mesopotamia used bitumen to fasten ivory or pearl into the eye sockets of their statues. They also sculptured votive offerings which the mixture of their sculpture is originally from bitumen and clay. From the finding, it is proven that some thousand years later, bitumen was being used by the early Babylonians as a building material because of its properties as a cement and water proofing agent. Later, bitumen became the standard material and being used in civil engineering and architectural projects to hold bricks and stones together which used to line drains, watercourses and grain storage. It was also being used to create damp courses and seal the flat roofs of the houses in the same way as it is used today. It is also important in paving (, 21 Dec 2010). Other Evidence found that, about 600 BC King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon rebuilt the city wall, which he intends to restrain the water of the Euphrates with burnt bricks and bitumen because the old wall which is made of dried clay bricks had failed to keep the waters at the bay. The Babylonians had developed a technique using layer of bricks, bitumen and clay which they reinforced with reed for construction purposes. The system was so successful whereas they were able to build towers up to twelve storeys high. The evidence is proven when archeologists excavating the site of the ancient city and they found traces that bitumen had been used for the construction of the building. Instead of using bitumen for construction, the reason why bitumen was widely used in this area was its availability in various forms. It can be found in certain places where we can find it easily. It was also available as a solid material in the form of bituminous limestone, which was used as the basis for small carvings. Because of its availability, bitumen has taken parts in many great legends of Biblical and pre-Biblical times. It is said that, bitumen has being used in the building of the Tower of Babel and for the waterproofing of Noahs Ark and Moses wicker basket (Zayn Bilkadi, Dec 1984). The Romans used bitumen for medicinal purposes whereas they use bitumen for preventing and curing a number of ailments including boils, toothache and ringworm. Meanwhile, Roman ladies used bitumen for cosmetic purposes whereas they used bitumen as a means of beautifying their eyebrows. Bitumen also was being used for maritime usage whereas Christopher Columbus and Sir Walter Raleigh found that the lakes of asphalt in Trinidad are useful for re-caulking their ships for the return voyage. Apart from maritime usage, bitumen was used mainly for medicinal, cosmetic and crop protection purposes. On the other hand, the German metallurgist Georg Agricola was writing in the early part of the sixteenth century that Bitumen is produced from mineral waters containing oil, also from liquid bitumen and from rocks containing bitumen. Liquid bitumen sometimes floats in large quantities on the surface of wells, brooks and rivers and is collected with buckets or other pots. Small quantities are collected by means of feathers, linen towels and the like. The bitumen easily adheres to these objects and is collected in big copper or iron vessels and the lighter fractions evaporated by heating. The residual oil is used for different purposes and some people mix it with pitch, others with used axle oil to make it thicker. On the other hand, the entry for bitumen in Blounts Glossary published in 1656 defined it as a kind of clay or slime naturally clammy, like pitch, growing in some countries of Asia. By the middle of the nineteenth century, the usage of bitumen for the road construction is to solve the problem of the dust raised by the horse-drawn traffic in towns. The availability of supply of tar from local coal-gas works led to the use of tar for treating streets and pavements. They started to realize the important of streets and road which would lead to the unimagined standard of smoothness and durability for the elements needed for their creation in the future. Rock asphalt and the Trinidad Lake were the sources of bitumen first used to bind mixtures of aggregates in road building in the modern style. (Asphalt Origin,) Nowadays, a small scale of high quality bitumen can be exploited from petroleum which is a readily available source of low cost. The production of bitumen grew with the rise of the motorcar and the universal demand for paved highways. The proportion of bitumen which is resulted from petroleum refining whereas lead that today most bitumen sources is from the distillation of crude petroleum oil. (BP , 2010). 2.2 Bitumen Bitumen is a versatile material that is widely used in civil engineering. Bitumen is a mixture of organic liquid that are black, oily, highly viscous that is a naturally occurring organic product by product of decomposed organic materials. This basically consists of hydrocarbons ,carbon hydrogen the rest becomes oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen and trace the various metals such as nickel, vanadium, lead, chromium, mercury and also arsenic, selenium and other toxic elements. Bitumen can provide good preservation of plants and animal fossils. Bitumen and asphalt is two different things. In American asphalt used to mean bitumen but outside American asphalt refers to the mixture of bitumen and aggregate laid as a road surface. H:TOPEKBitumen Definition_filesBitumenInBeaker2.gif Figure 2.1: Bitumen 2.3 Sources of bitumen Bitumen can be derived from different type of sources. It occurs naturally, but for most occasions, the world relies on petroleum for the supplies of bitumen. The bitumen consists of crude petroleum oil that normally varies between 25% and 40%, but content of crude oil can vary between 15% and 80% (BP 2010). There are three categorization for crude oil bitumen that is bitumen based, paraffin based or bitumen and paraffin based. Bitumen present in the form of colloidal dispersion or in a true solution based on the type of crude petroleum oil. In the refining process, the proportion of oil to bitumen particles changes because of petroleum oil is taken away by distillation. Relatively in few numbers, this particle become closer to one another and their size increase when it is dispersed. At the time the distillation process stopped, the petroleum becomes a colloidal dispersion of black solid known as asphaltenes. This asphaltenes are dispersed in an oily brown yellow liquid, known as the maltenes fraction. It also react as a stabilizing agent to keep the asphaltenes in suspension are another group of hydrocarbon known as resins. Normally bitumen is found in a few forms, from the hard, easily crumbled bitumen in rock asphalt to the softer, more viscous material found in tar sands and so-called asphalt lakes. It is normally consist of varying proportions of mineral and vegetable impurities that need to be extracted before in can be used as engineering material. Bitumen also can be found as asphaltite. It is natural bitumen without an impurity that varies in the amount the asphaltite can be dissolve in carbon disulphide. Natural petroleum like bitumen naturally occurs as the result from the special decompositions of marine debris. After thousands of years it has been move through porous rock such as limestone and sandstone often by volcanic action. In certain areas notable for their petroleum resources, like in the Middle East, semi fluid bitumen can be found oozing out of fissures near hot spring or seeping out of the ground. Rock asphalt, it is more costly to move around and to process. This is because its variable and relative low content of bitumen and tends to be found away from the places where bitumen needed. It is important to distinguish between bitumen and coal tar. Even though coal tar is black and viscous like bitumen, it is obtained from the carbonization of coal that why it is very different chemical properties. Many part of the world in engineering project, from the construction of transcontinental highways to the waterproofing of flat roof surfaces, depending on the specific nature of asphalt. Petroleum crude oil processed by the industry to provide all but a small part of this material is important.(BP, 2010) 2.4 Manufacturing process Manufacturing of bitumen consist of three processes which is refinery process, storage and distribution. 2.4.1 Refinery process In oil refinery process, the crude oil is divided into different groups based on their boiling range. The first stage of refinery process is atmospheric distillation. In this process the crude oil is heated about 3000 C to 3500 C and the more volatile components in the crude oil such as petrol and kerosene are distilled off. Residue from this process called atmosphere residue, which is need further distilled under vacuum. Because of the applied vacuum, the effective distillation point is 5000 C 5600 C. this vacuum distillation process produce more volatile products called as vacuum distillates and leaves vacuum residue which is a non volatile residue of high viscosity. Based on the crude oil origin, the vacuum residue can be used directly as bitumen and for some cases of crude oil it needs additional process to meet certain specification such as air blowing of the residue. To ensure consistent product, the air blowing needs careful selection and control of process temperature, air rate and residence time. In other hand bitumen are produced by blending vacuum residue with asphaltenes which is derived from the production of lubricating oils. The selection of crude is the most important element of bitumen manufacture because it is required expertise and experience to yield a satisfactory product. 2.4.2 Storage Large permanent tank made of mild steel plate use to stored bitumen at refineries with capacities of between 100 and 10000 tones. To make sure the bitumen remain fluid, steam or hot oil is pumped during heating oils in the heavily insulated tanks. 2.4.3 Distribution To make sure the bitumen not cool and unworkable the product must be kept between 150 °C-190 °C throughout the supply chain.  The temperature of bitumen can fall about 7oC to 10oC when it is loaded into a road tanker and it will continue to fall further while in transit. Most of the bitumen will be transferred from the refineries using the road tankers with capacities of 10 to 40 tones. The road tanker is insulated by single-compartment tanks, normally with some kind of heating such as heating tubes. Insulated rail cars are sometimes used to transport bitumen to intermediary depots with reheating facilities. 2.5 Properties of Bitumen Bitumen is a durable and strong adhesive use as a binder in many applications with other material without affecting their properties. Its durability is important to major engineering part such as road and water ways. Bitumen is insoluble in water and can be used as an effective water proofing sealant. Bitumen can be used to line watercourses because it resist and do not react with acid, alkalis, salt and does not contaminate water. Bitumen is soften and thermoplastic material. Bitumen becomes liquid when heated and hardens when it cools. Bitumen can used easily in the area where its need to used because it can readily be liquefied by one of three methods thats applying heat, dissolving it in petroleum solvents or dispersing it in water (emulsification). Total production of bitumen is larger use in road construction. This is because bitumen gives flexibility to the mixed mineral aggregates that been used in road construction. It is available with economic cost all around the world. 2.6 Types of Bitumen There are several types of the bitumen below based on BP bitumen 2010: 2.6.1 Paving grade bitumen This type of bitumen considered as a parent bitumen of the other form of bitumen produced below. It is refined and blended to fulfill the industrial and road engineering specification that considered different climate condition. 2.6.2 Cutback bitumen This type of bitumen has lower viscosity than other types of bitumen. This bitumen has been diluted in order to make it more flow able and suitable for application. Cutback bitumen mostly is used for cold weather bituminous, road construction and maintenance. In cutback bitumen suitable solvent is used to lower the viscosity of the bitumen. Fluidity of bitumen depends on the proportion of solvent and degree of hardness of the bitumen base. Cutback bitumen classified based to the time it takes to become solid, as rapid curing (RC), medium curing (MC) or slow curing (SC). RC is recommended for surface dressing and patchwork. MC is recommended for premix with less quantity of fine aggregates. SC is used for premix with appreciable quantity of fine aggregates. The solvent used for preparation of cutback of bitumen are white spirit commonly used for RC grades, kerosene for MC grades and diesel for SC grades. In view of the environment, health and safety cutback bitumen cause a problem because the solvent used evaporates and currently the evaporation is regarded as a potentially undesirable characteristic. 2.6.3 Bitumen emulsions Frequently the bitumen that been applied to mineral aggregates substrates in road construction is in the form called bitumen emulsion. Bitumen emulsions are the dispersion of bitumen in an aqueous continuous condition and been stabilized by the addition of emulsifier. Bitumen emulsions are the ideal binder can be used in hill road construction which the process of heating the bitumen or aggregates are not easy in that area. Rapid setting emulsions usually used for surface dressing work, Medium setting emulsions use for premix jobs and patch repairs work and slow setting emulsions are ideal use during rainy season. Around 60% of bitumen content in the emulsion and the left over is water (Tom V. Mathew and K V Krishna Rao, 2007). During the road construction, these emulsions will breaks down resulting in released of water and the mix will starts to set. Grade of bitumen affect the time of setting. Bitumen emulsion is ideal for used in road construction because it have low viscosity and workable in ambient temperatures. But to apply this bitumen in road making process, it requires controlled breaking and setting. Bitumen should not break before it is laid on the surface of road but, once it placed, it should break quickly. This implies that the road can be in service without delay. 2.6.4 Modified bitumen Modified bitumen is bitumen treated with modifiers. Certain additives added as bitumen modifiers to improve the service performance by changing such properties as their durability and hardness. Natural rubber, polymer and thermoplastic are commonly used to modify bitumen. This is an exciting development of growing importance due to the ability of modem technology to satisfy the demands of the bitumen and international market. Modified bitumen will contribute towards a longer road life and lower cost maintenance. 2.6.5 Multi-grade Bitumen This type of bitumen is chemically modified bitumen. It has multi properties that are properties of hard paving bitumen at high service temperature with the properties of soft paving grades bitumen at low temperature. Multi-grade bitumen gives improvement in resistance to deformation 2.6.6 Industrial bitumen Industrial bitumen also known as oxidized bitumen. This bitumen is made by blowing air through hot paving grade bitumen called blowing process. The result from blowing process is a product that softens bitumen at higher temperature than provide by paving grade bitumen softens. It also has rubberlike properties and its viscosity is less affected by changes in temperature than is the case with paving grade bitumen. 2.7 Requirement of Bitumen The some requirement properties of bitumen depend on the mix type and construction. In general, Bitumen should fulfill the following properties: (Prof. Tom V. Mathew, 2009) The bitumen should not be highly temperature susceptible: during the hottest weather the mix should not become too soft or unstable, and during cold weather the mix should not become too brittle causing cracks. The viscosity of the bitumen at the time of mixing and compaction should be adequate. This can be achieved by use of cutbacks or emulsions of suitable grades or by heating the bitumen and aggregates prior to mixing. There should be adequate affinity and adhesion between the bitumen and aggregates used in the mix. 2.8 Modification of bitumen Many studies have been conducted in order to improve the performance of bitumen used in road pavement by modified bitumen with other material. Additional materials such as rubber, polymer and epoxy resin have been used as modifier in bitumen in the previous research. This study stresses on the usage of fly ash as an additive in bitumen. 2.9 Coal combustion products Fly ash is one of the coal combustion residues. Coal combustion residuals are formed during coal-burning processes in power plants. Coal combustion product consists of several materials: (R.  Majko, 1996). 2.9.1 Fly ash Fly ash is the fines ash of coal ash particles from combustion of coal. It is called fly ash because it is transported from combustion chamber by exhaust gases. Fly ash is a fine powder produce from the mineral contain in coal. It also consists of noncombustible mater in coal and a small amount of carbon thats remains because of incomplete combustion. Fly ash is usually light tan in color. It is commonly consists of silt sized and clay sized glassy spheres which is gives fly ash a consistency somewhat like talcum powder. The property of the fly ash varies based on coal composition used and plant operating system. Figure 2.2: fly ash 2.9.2 Bottom ash Bottom ash and fly ash is two different materials in physical, mineralogical and chemical. Bottom ash is a coarse, granular, and incombustible material which is collected from the bottom of furnaces of combustion of coal in generation of electricity. Different with fly ash, bottom ash coarser than fly ash with grain sizes spanning from fine sand to fine gravel. The type of the bottom ash depends on type of furnaces used to burn a coal. Figure 2.3: bottom ash 2.9.3 BOILER SLAG Boiler slag is normally a black granular material with numerous engineering uses. It is formed in cyclone boilers which form a molten ash thats cooled with water. Boiler slag is coarser than fly ash. Figure 2.4:boiler slag 2.9.4 FGD GYPSUM Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum is also can be defined as scrubber gypsum. FGD gypsum is the product from an air pollution control system which is removes sulfur from the flue gas in calcium based scrubbing systems. It is composed of calcium sulfate and produced by employing forced oxidation in the scrubber. FGD gypsum is most usually used for agricultural activity and for wallboard production. Figure 2.5: FGD gypsum 2.10 Production of fly ash Fly ash normally produced from burning of coal for power generation.   Normally coal is pulverized and blown with air into the combustion chamber. In this part the coal will be ignites, generating heat and producing a molten residue. Then the boiler tubes will extract heat from the boiler and then cool the gas in the chimney. This make the residue from the combustion of coal harden and produce ash known as coal combustion products. The coarse ash kwon as bottom ash and  it will fall at the bottom of coal furnaces. In the other hand, the light ash will the light ash will remain suspended in the flue gas and will be collected by electrostatic precipitators, baghouses, or mechanical collection devices such as cyclones. C:Documents and Settingsto_pekDesktopproduction of fly ash.gif Figure 2.6: production of fly ash (ACAA, 1997) 2.11 Utilization and benefit of fly ash Fly ash have been used many part of the engineering application around the world. The table below shows the utilization of fly ash in the engineering part. (Fly ash facts for highway engineers, 2003). Application Benefit used in Portland cement concrete (PCC) -improved workability -decrease water demand -reduced bleeding -improved durability used in stabilized base course -provide a strong and durable mixture -lower cost -suitable for using recycled base material -increased energy efficiency used in flowable fill -allows placement under freezing conditions -reach 100% density with no compactive effort -increase soil bearing capacity -increase the speed and ease of backfilling operations Used in soil improvement -eliminates need for expensive materials -expedites construction works by improving unstable subgrade By improve subgrade conditions, cost saving through reduction in required pavement thickness. Used in asphalt pavement -reduce potential of asphalt stripping due to hydrophobic properties of fly ash -reduce stripping because fly ash consist of lime -a lower cost than other filler Used in grouts for pavement subsealing -develop high ultimate strength -accomplished quickly with minimum effect to the traffic flow. -used to correct undermining without 2.12 Type of fly ash Fly ash is collected use electrostatic precipitators or bag houses and then transferred to large silos for shipment. Fly ash divided base on precise particle size requirement, thus assuring a uniform and quality of product. There are 2 different type of fly ash from combustion of coal in large power plant which is class C and class F. 2.12.1 Class C Class C fly ash is produced usually from lignite and sub-bituminous coals and normally contains significant amount of Calcium Hydroxide (CaO) or lime (Cockrell et. al., 1970). Fly ash class C will harden when exposure to the water. Class C normally contains more than 15% of lime and can reach until 30% of the composition (Dr. Kamar Shah Ariffin, 2007). Higher of CaO in class C fly ash make it more special with self hardening characteristic. This is because calcium is a good adhesive agent. The existence of pozzolan properties in the fly ash class c make it different from fly ash class F. 2.12.2 Class F Class F fly ash is produced from bituminous coals and burning anthracite .Class F is normally contains greater combination of silica, alumina and iron about 70% of the composition but low in lime content usually under about 15% of the composition (Dr. Kamar Shah Ariffin, 2007). This fly ash has Siliceous and aluminous material, which itself possesses little or no cementitious value but in finely divided form and in the presence of moisture, chemically react with Calcium hydroxide at ordinary temperature to form cementitious compounds (Chu et. al., 1993). 2.13 Characteristic of fly ash 2.13.1 Size and shape Fly ash consist of powdery and fine particle that are in spherical shape, either in solid or hollow and mostly glassy in nature. The carbonaceous in fly ash consist of angular particles. The particle size distribution of bituminous coal fly ashes is usually similar to the silt which is less than a 0.075 mm or No. 200 sieve. Sub bituminous coal fly ashes are similar to the silt size and it is slightly coarser than bituminous coal fly ashes. A coarser particle can result in a less reactive ash and could contain higher carbon contents. Figure 2.7: Fly ash particles at 2,000x magnification 2.13.2 Color By depending on the amount of unburned carbon in the ash, the color of fly ash can be found and vary from tan to gray to black. If the fly ash contains low carbon, the color will be lighter. Lignite or sub bituminous fly ashes are typically light tan to buff in color, representing relatively low quantities of carbon in addition to the presence of some lime or calcium. However, bituminous fly ashes are usually some shade of gray, with the lighter shades of gray generally indicating a higher quality of ash.    Figure 2.8: typical fly ash colors 2.13.3 Specific gravity The specific gravity of fly ash is generally varies between 2.1to 3.0 whereas the specific surface area are varies in range from 170 to 1000 m2/kg that been measured by the Blaine air permeability method. 2.13.4 Loss of ignition Loss of ignition is a measured of remaining unburned carbon in a coal. It is a critical property of fly ash need to be measured, especially for concrete applications. High carbon levels, the type of carbon, the interaction of soluble ions in fly ash, and the variability of carbon content can cause air entrainment problem in fresh concrete and can affect the durability of the concrete. In some application of fly ash are not affected by the loss of ignition such as filler in asphalt and flowable fill can accept fly ash with high content of carbon. 2.13.4 Chemistry Chemical compositions of the coal mainly affect the chemical constituents of fly ash. Depending on the coal combustion technology used, the fly ash can be significantly different even though they are produced from the same source and similar chemical composition. Therefore the ash hydration properties with the leaching characteristic can vary a lot between generating facilities. The combustion and glassification process used at certain power plant will affect the quantity of crystalline material versus glassy phase material because these two substances were depends on these two process. When the maximum temperature of the combustion process is above approximately 12000 C and the cooling time is short, the ash produced is mostly glassy phase material (McCarthy et. al., 1987). Crystalline phase calcium compounds are formed where boiler design or operation allows an extra gradual cooling of the ash particles. The factors that affect the hydration and leaching properties of fly ash such as the relative proportion of the spherical glassy phase and crystalline materials, the size distribution of the ash, the chemical nature of glass phase, the type of crystalline material, the nature and the percentage of unburned carbon (Roy, 1985). Generally, the most important factors that influenced the mineralogy of coal fly ash are (Baker, 1987): Chemical composition of the coal Coal combustion process including coal pulverization, combustion, flue gas clean up, and fly ash collection operations Additives used, including oil additives for flame stabilization and corrosion control additives. The minerals present in the coal dictates the elemental composition of the fly ash. The boiler design and operation dictated the mineralogy of the ash. 2.13.5 Chemical Requirements for Fly Ash Classification (Dr. Kamar Shah Ariffin, 2007) Properties Fly Ash Class Class F Class C Silicon dioxide (SiO2) plus aluminum oxide (Al2O3) plus iron oxide (Fe2O3), min, % 70.0 50.0 Sulfur trioxide (SO3), max, % 5.0 5.0 Moisture Content, max, % 3.0 3.0 Loss on ignition, max, % 6.0 6.0

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Fourth Generation (4G) Technology

Fourth Generation (4G) Technology ABSTRACT 4G technology is a transition from the earlier technology i.e. 3G technology and it promises to bring some of the revolutionary changes in the mobile world which will be very favorable for the mobile users. Fasters data and IP packet transmissions and a lot of other applications like high quality voice and multimedia in real-time anywhere across the globe are some incontrovertible features of the 4G mobile phones. This switching of the technologies are promised to be accomplished by the end of this commercial year by a number of mobile carriers like VERIZON and ATT. Thus mobile users will be enjoying the best of the mobile phone technology by the end of the year. 4G technology is supposed to be the best because all the flaws that were experienced in the former ones are tried to eliminate in this one to give the best results to the users. FOURTH GENERATION MOBILE PHONES (4G) INTRODUCTION: Since past some decades cell phone world has experienced a considerable amount of transition. This transition initiated from the First generation (1G) mobile phones carried forward by the 2G and 2.5G mobile phones. Nowadays, people are habituated of using the 3G technology. But the technologies and inventions are ever-restless and therefore the cell phone industry is again hopping with a great speed towards the Fourth generation (4G) technology. 4G mobile phone technology is a complete replacement of wireless communication in 3G technology. Like the transition of 2G technology to 3G technology had increased data-transmission speeds, the transition from  3G  technology to 4G technology promises even higher data rates than existed in previous generations and thus considered to be a successor to 2G and 3G standards. â€Å"4G promises voice, data and high-quality multimedia in real-time (â€Å"streamed†) form all the time and anywhere† (Fendelman, n.d, Para 03). NOMENCLATURE: The fundamental nature of the service is responsible for the typical nomenclature of the cell phone generations. Analogue technology was flipped from first generation to the digital technology in the second generation. Third generation was designed with multimedia support which is now going to flip to the fourth generation where transmission of data and IP packets is faster than the former generations.â€Å"A 4G system is expected to provide a comprehensive and secure all-IP based solution where facilities such as IP telephony, ultra-broadband Internet access, gaming services and streamed multimedia may be provided to users† (4G and Beyond 3G Technology, n.d. Para 05). Thus switching to the 4G is like moving from a dial up internet connection to a cable or DSL which can make all the works done fasters and faster than the previous ones. â€Å"4G marks the end of the traditional CDMA/GSM divide† (German, 2010 March 15, Para 04). TYPES: There are 2 main types of 4G one of which is the Long-term evolution LTE and the other one is mobile WI-MAX. LTE: A natural extension of the current 3G technology is the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) which is also referred as the pre-4G technology. Transmission of all data including voice takes place as LTE is architectural design that can send all types of IP packets and data. â€Å"For a 20 MHz channel the downlink transmission bit rate of LTE up to 100 Mbps and 50 Mbps in the uplink and the bit rate capacity increases for a  Multiple-input multiple-output  (MIMO)†( 4G and Beyond 3G Technology,n.d. Para 05). According to German (2010, March 15) some of the well-known mobile carriers in United States like VERIZON and ATT and several across the globe would convert their network to LTE and worlds first publicly available LTE-service was opened in the two Scandinavian capitals  Stockholm  and  Oslo  on the 14 December 2009. â€Å"VERIZON said that LTE testing in Seattle and Boston has gone well and that it will bring the technology to 25 to 30 markets this year† (German, 2010 March 15, Para 06).â€Å"According to the VERIZON, downloading speeds of 40Mbps to 50Mbps and upload speeds of 20Mbps to 25Mbps† (German, 2010 March 15, Para 06). However according to Nelson and Pica (2010, March 3) the average speeds will range from 5Mbps to 12Mbps for downloads and 2Mbps to 5Mbps for uploads. â€Å"In contrast ATT has announced that they will begin LTE testing in this commercial year and launch their network in the upcoming year 2011† (German 2010 March 15, Para 07). LTE is not only being planned to launch by the end of this year in United Stats but also the Telco Mobile One (M1) in Singapore conducted a demo of LTE technical trial. Also NTT Do Como will the first to introduce LTE in Japan this year itself. WI-MAX: WI-MAX is elaborated as Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, and unlike LTE it is not an extension of current cellular system rather its more related to current Wi-Fi technology. â€Å"The initial version for mobile use is based on the 802.16e wireless standard (Wi-Fi is 802.110)† (German, 2010 March 15, Para 11). It has potential for very long range transmission (up to 30 miles) and could offer speeds of about 10Mbps† (German, 2010 March 15, Para 11). Where all the majority mobile carriers are interested in using the LTE the only US carrier to adopt the Wi-max technology is SPRINT. SPRINT has a Wi-max network in 27 cities and shows potential average speeds of 3Mbps to 6Mbps with maximum speed up to 10Mbps. FEATURES: The 4G standards were thought to be introduced in order to facilitate users by some of the most incredible features that includes providing flexible channel bandwidth between 5MHz to 20MHz to a maximum extent up to 40 MHz. Also a data rate of at least 100Mbps between any two locations across the globe. It also promises to provide a maximum Link spectral efficiency in downlink up to 15bit/s/Hz and 6.75bit/s/Hz in uplink which means 1000Mbps in downlink should be possible over less than 67 MHz bandwidth. Furthermore the system spectral efficiency for downlink of 3bit/s/Hz/cell and for uplink it is 2.25 bit/s/Hz/cell. Ultimately 4G has all the flaws recovered that were noticeably found in the former standards. SPECIFICATION: ACCESS TECHNIQUES: 4G exhibited increase in efficiency and ability in terms of the access techniques used for it. Plain TDMA i.e. Time division multiple access and FDMA i.e. Frequency division multiple access were used in he 1G technology. But TDMA is less efficient as it is unable to handle high data rate channels. This is because TDMA requires large guard periods to improve the multipath impact. Similarly there were problems with FDMA as it used more bandwidth to avoid inter-carrier interferences. Thus to overcome these problems in the 2G technology one set along with the combination of TDMA and FDMA other set of access scheme was introduced which is known as the CDMA i.e. Carrier division multiple access. â€Å"Thereby the system capacity was increased but as a drawback placed a soft limit on it rather than the hard limit (i.e. a CDMA network will not reject new clients when it approaches its limits, resulting in a denial of service to all clients when the network overloads)† (Rumney M, 2008) . Data rate is increased as this access technique is able to manage multiple path channel. â€Å" This enabled the third generation systems, such as  IS-2000,  UMTS,  HSXPA,  1xEV-DO,  TD-CDMA  and TD-SCDMA, to use CDMA as the access scheme†(Rumney M, 2008). Although CDMA technique seems to be good so far yet it suffers from poor spectral flexibility and computationally intensive time domain equalization for wideband channels. More importance is given to the OFDMA i.e.Orthogonal FDMA, IFDMA i.e. Interleaved FDMA, SFDMA i.e. Single carrier FDMA and MFDMA i.e.Multicarrier FDMA because of the troubles in the traditional FDMA, TDMA and CDMA. The later used access schemes are based on efficient FFT (Fast fourier transform) algorithm and frequency domain equalization which would result in lower number of multiplications/s. Also bandwidth can be controlled and a spectrum can be formed in a flexible way. IPv6 SUPPORT: Circuit switched and packet switched networks are the base of the infrastructure of the 3G where as 4G will be based on packet switching only which would require low latency data transmission. Till the time when 4G will be introduced in the market and be a most used device the process of IPv4 address will be exhausted as a result a new version will be essential so that more wireless enabled devices can be supported. So IPv6 is be used to accomplish this task. â€Å"By increasing the number of  IP addresses, IPv6 removes the need for  Network Address Translation  (NAT), a method of sharing a limited number of addresses among a larger group of devices, although NAT will still be required to communicate with devices that are on existing  IPv4  networks† (Morr, D 2009). SOFTWARE-DESIGN RATIO (SDR): â€Å"SDR  is one form of open wireless architecture (OWA)† (Rumney, 2008). The final version out in the market of the 4G device will be a perfect combination of the former standards. â€Å"This can be realized efficiently using SDR technology, which is categorized to the area of the radio convergence† (Rumney, 2008). INDISTINGUISHABLE ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The 4G iphone which is going to be launched as soon as possible is promised to multitasking which allows accomplishing one of more iphone applications at the same time and also lets to continue the applications running in the background even if the user makes or takes a call. Verizon is launching the 4G phone six months before the expectation because of some of the incontrovertible features of 4G that lures world towards itself. HTC HD3 and HTC HD2 are going to be 4G phones. CONCLUSION: Last but not the least the advancement in technology i.e. transition from the current 3G and 2.5G to 4G will make a drastic change in context of data transmissions which will be able to carried in some fraction of seconds. It will be definitely proved very helpful to the future generations. REFRENCES: Open wireless open mobile. (n.d.) Retrieved from Fendelman, A. (n.d.) Retrieved from Choney, S. (2008, April 15) Retrieved from 4G Phones (n.d.) Retrieved from German, K (2010, March 15) Retrieved from,39050603,62061890,00.htm Att (2010, February 18) Retrieved from Pica, T Nelson, J (2010, March 8) Retrieved from Koh, D (2010, March 3) Retrieved from 4G. Retrieved from 4G and Beyond 3G Technology (n.d.) Retrieved from

Monday, August 19, 2019

Renting Versus Buying Essay -- Compare Contrast Home Ownership

Buying a home can be an exciting experience for anyone. However, in some cases you just might be better off continuing to rent your home. There are many advantages to buying a home. However, it is not for everyone and buying varies from individual to individual. Currently more people are leaning towards renting but this could change in the near future. When someone makes the decision to buy or rent a home they must consider the advantages and disadvantages of each. In buying a home the primary advantage is that you actually own it. You can do whatever you want with it. Also, you are building equity as the years go by. â€Å"People today have problems saving for their future† (CNN Money, 2014). However, when they buy a home, the money they put down for a down payment is an investment. When the person sells the home they get back the down payment and the amount the property has appreciated in value. When looking at the advantages of renting it is easy to see the disadvantages of buying for some people. Even though you don’t get the money back that you put into it, renting could be a more satisfying option for some. This is because renting allows for flexibility. The person can move wherever as soon as there lease is up. Renters may see buying as â€Å"a reduction in lifestyle, moving to a smaller place, and perhaps a less expensive neighborhood.† (CNN Money, 2014). For example someone who rents an apartment enjoys how the complex keeps up the area and all the amenities it has to offer, and it is in an upper class part of town. However, when they buy they looks all the benefits, they have to do maintenance themselves, and move to an area they don’t particularly like to fit their price range. So which is better? It jus... ...etrieved October 29, 2014, from This article explains how one should decide whether to buy a home or rent. Buying a home should be based on decisions of credit report, debt ratios, job stability or relocation, maintenance issues, and financial situation. It explains how not everyone should buy a house. Some people are actually better off renting. To rent or to buy? (2014). CNN Money. Retrieved October 29, 2014, from This article describes the disadvantages and advantages of buying or renting your home. It describes advantages of buying such as taxes and appreciation of the home. However, coming up with a down payment may be hard for many people. Renters may have less cost and more flexibility on when and where they can move to.

Comparing Victor Frankenstein and the Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

Similarities Between Victor and the Monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein and the monster that he creates are very similar. For example, Victor creates the monster to be like himself. Another similarity is that the anger of both Victor and the monster is brought about by society. One more parallel between Victor and the monster is that they both became recluses. These traits that Victor and the monster possess show that they are very similar. One way that Victor and the monster are alike is that Victor creates the monster like himself. Victor does not plan to create the monster like himself, but the monster becomes very much like Victor. â€Å"God, in pity, made man beautiful and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid even from the very resemblance† (93). The monster does not resemble Victor physically; instead, they share the same personalities. For example, Victor and the monster are both loving beings. Both of them want to help others and want what is best for others. Victor and the monster try to help the people that surround them. Victor tries to console his family at their losses, and the monster assists the people living in the cottage by performing helpful tasks. However, Victor and the monster do not reflect loving people. The evil that evolves in Victor’s heart is also present in the monster. The evil that is present in Victor and the monster is another example of similarity between the characters. This evil in both characters is caused, although not directly with Victor, by society. The monster tries to be accepted by society. He shows kindness toward society and he tries to help people. However, he is immediately rejected by society because of his ugly physical appearance. The evil and the anger present in the monster comes when the monster presents himself as a friend to a family that he has secretly helped. Instead of accepting the monster as one of their own, the family immediately sees the ugly form of the monster and rejects him. â€Å"There was none from the myriads of men who would pity or assist me; and should I feel kindness towards my enemies? No: from that moment I declared ever-lasting war against the species, and, more than all, against him who had formed me, and sent me forth to this insupportable misery† (97).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Beowulf Papers -- English Literature Heroes Essays

Beowulf Papers A hero is a man of courage and ability who is admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. A hero is a person who does not come along very often in any time period. He is a special person, who is a step above the average person in the way that he handles any situation that may arise. This statement is very true for the time of Anglo-Saxon culture and literature. A hero was like a god and was put on a pedestal far above the others. A hero brought peace to situations that were deemed impossible and brought joy to many people. In the poem Beowulf, there is a great example of what a hero is about in this time. Beowulf is the great warrior of the Geats and he will do anything necessary to keep peace and to make a better life for his people. That is why he is described as, "The mildest of men and the gentlest, kindest to his people, and most eager for fame" (Norton, 68). Beowulf leads the Geats for fifty years of happiness and prosperity and in turn, made a name for himself that will be remembered for centuries to come. A hero always fights to win but it not unfair in battle. For example, Beowulf could have fought Grendel with a sword and made the battle much easier for himself because Grendel, "In his recklessness cares not for weapons" (Norton, 32). Beowulf would rather have a fair battle so he uses his special strength, courage and ability and he wins, like a hero does. A hero also performs tasks that are deemed impossible for others. If an average warrior gets caught in a monsters' grip, it is all over for him. Beowulf, on the other hand, has dealt with this before, and he deals with it in the battle against Grendel's mother. For example, "She groped toward him, took the warrior in her aw... ... when used properly, they can help turn a literary work from ordinary to extraordinary. Bibliography *Abrams, M.H., ed., et al. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Sixth Edition. Vol.I. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1993. *Blakelock, Jane. Online. Internet. 03/16/99. "Geoffrey Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, The Wife of Bath". Available *Geoffrey Chaucer. Online. Internet. 03/16/99. Available Chaucer.html. *Jokinen, Anniina. Online. Internet. 03/16/99. "Geoffrey Chaucer (Ca. 1343-1400)". *Jones, Sam. Online. Internet. 03/16/99. "The Litrix Reading Room". Available *Skill, Elaine Strong. Cliffs Notes on Beowulf. Lincoln: Cliffs Notes Incorporated, 1990.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Advantage of SNS

The term Social Networking Site has often been used interchangeably with the term social network site. The definition of the two terms are one the same. According Boyd and Ellison, social network sites are, â€Å"web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system.The nature and nomenclature of these connections may vary from site to site.† The authors chose the term network instead of networking simply because the latter term emphasizes building new relations between people. Although SNS have allowed people to meet others, it appears that the main purpose of SNS is to communicate with people who are already part of their extended social network.Social network sites are used in different ways and for different purposes. Users of such sites take advan tage of its various features that allow them to do different things. One feature of social network sites that is considered advantageous is that it allows users to share information with each other.Also, users have the option to share only the information that they want. Each user of each site has a profile page. This page contains a personalized description of the member.Demographic details, tastes, videos and photographs are the common things found on profiles. (Boyd) From these pages, the users can share their information with others people. Also, some use SNS to share pictures and videos with their friends.SNS are also useful for they allow users to build new relationships and maintain current ones. Some use such sites to meet new people. According to Lenhart and Madden, â€Å"For girls, social networking sites are places to reinforce pre-existing friendships, while for the boys who use the sites, the networks provide opportunities for flirting and making new friends.†Soc ial network sites are commonly utilized to communicate with friends. In a study conducted on why teens use social network sites, Lenhart and Madden found that, â€Å"91% of all social networking teens say they use the sites to stay in touch with friends they see frequently, while 82% use the sites to stay in touch with friends they rarely see in person.†Whatever type of relationship it is, it is evident that social networking sites build and foster relationships particularly friendships.Another reason why social networking sites are useful and popular is that it builds and strengthens communities. Social network sites allow users to choose the people who will become part of their network. These associations form the communities.Choosing Friends in social network sites give the users a chance to write their communities into being. (Boyd). SNS creates and improves communities based on similarities between users. Some sites such as MySpace connect people based on shared interest s. (Ellison et al)Also some sites such as Facebook allow its members to, â€Å"Join virtual groups based on common interests, see what classes they have in common, and learn each others' hobbies, interests, musical tastes, and romantic relationship status through the profiles.† (Ellison et al)Social network sites are advantageous because they allow users to create their identity and space. Through the profiles, the users are able to create an image of themselves. Their profile page is their space, defined they way they want and containing the things they want.More importantly, the user’s social network is his space and he has the ability to change it simply by adding or removing people from his list. His social network defines his identity as well. According to Donath and Boyd, â€Å"Public displays of connection serve as important identity signals.†Works Citedboyd, danah, & Ellison, Nicole. â€Å"Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship.† Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2007, 13(1), article 11.   2 December 2007 .boyd, danah. â€Å"Why Youth (Heart) Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life.† In David Buckingham (Ed.), Youth, Identity, and Digital Media (pp. 119-142). Cambridge: MIT Press. 2 December 2007 .

Friday, August 16, 2019

Inclusive Education

Introduction Inclusive education is a process whereby the school systems, strategic plans, and policies adapt and change to include teaching strategies for a wider more diverse range of children and their families. Inclusive education implicitly means to identify a child’s learning style and adapt the classroom and teaching strategies to ensure high quality learning outcomes for all members of the class. Everyone is important, unique and valued for their contribution to the school. Kirk et al. ,(2009).In this assignment we are going to tackle about inclusive education, its advantage towards learners with and without special education in schools and also the characteristics of a school that make it effective for the implementation of inclusive education. We are also going to discuss about steps to follow in order to create an effective school for all in my region and to discuss the challenges of inclusive education in Namibia lastly we are going to make recommendation on how th e challenges of inclusive education can be met.Question 1 Discuss the advantages/benefits of inclusive education towards the learners with and without special educational needs in Namibian school. The learners will all feel accepted and loved In an inclusive classroom, disabled children have a chance to feel â€Å"like the other kids. † They are less likely to miss out on social events, and they have more opportunities to make friends. The chance to achieve alongside their non-disabled peers can help their self-esteem.With the support of a skilled teacher, they may become more socially competent and feel less isolated. There are potential benefits for non-disabled students, too, who may gain greater understanding and empathy as they learn to accept and appreciate their disabled peers. Non-disabled students may also benefit educationally from the more individualized and personalized approach that inclusive teaching can provide. They will all have effective learning In inclusiv e education, children with and without disabilities are all expected to study, learn, read, write.By having higher expectations for children with disabilities coupled with good and effective instruction, they quickly learn academic skills. Because the philosophy and mission of inclusive education is intended to help all students to learn, all children in the class benefit from the method of instruction. Children with disabilities in the classroom tend to show academic achievement in several areas including improved performance on mastery of IEP goals, standardized tests, motivation to study and learn, overall good grades and classroom behaviour.Also, children with disabilities who are instructed under general educational settings have scored higher on literacy than those children educated in segregated classrooms They have increased understanding and learn to accept diversity When students participate in classes that mimic the differences and similarities of individuals in the outsi de or real world, they naturally learn to accept diversity. Understanding, acceptance, and respect grow as the children with differing cultures and abilities interact with each other.Inclusive classrooms also create venues where children form and develop friendships with each other while strengthening their social and interactive skills. Children with differing abilities will learn from each other. Because it creates a solid group, the inclusive classroom promotes the civil rights of all students, provides support to the social value of equality and respect, teaches collaborative and socialization skills, builds interdependence and support between students, promotes social peace, and provides children a micro model of the real world. They all have normal livesFor families with disabled children, the dream of living a normal life comes true thanks to inclusive classrooms. Of course, all parents want their kids to live normally: have friends, be accepted by others, and have regular ac tivities. Inclusive classrooms make this a reality for children with disabilities. Through inclusive settings, children with disabilities can achieve a sense of belonging with diverse groups of people. Therefore, it provides a good venue for learning and growing. In terms of socialization, children learn to develop friendships while enhancing self-respect.It allows no discrimination as all learners are treated equally When students with special education needs are placed into a separate classroom from their peers, it puts a label on those students and marks them as â€Å"different. † Inclusion practices sort children into classrooms without the bias of special needs or non-special needs entering into the process. In this way, inclusion allows each student to have access to the same teachers, instructional materials, tools and lessons as every other student in the school. They will have real-world experienceWhen students leave school and enter the real world, they will not alw ays find themselves surrounded by other people who are exactly like them. Students with special needs will need to learn to function with people who do not have special needs, and the opposite is also true of students in regular education programs. An inclusive classroom helps students learn about the differences between people while they are still young and exposes them to diversity by allowing them to work and play alongside children who are different from themselves. A positive learning environmentEach and every learner feels welcome and is given the opportunity to perform at his/her educational needs; they are also empowered to participate frequently in cooperative learning, peer tutoring and decision making. Learners with and those without special needs they will have on going contact with each other both within the academic and social setting. They will feel empathy for one another, gain an increased sense of self-esteem, develop a positive understanding of each other, develop friendship and develop strong and social communication.Question 2 Characteristics of a school that make it effective for the implementation of inclusive education The school promotes a sense of belonging to all learners; all learners are treated equally despite their differences. Learners who can’t walk are provided with wheelchairs so that they can move everywhere they want without someone helping them and learners with hearing impairments are provided with earpiece to block any background noises which can affect them.Learners with visual impairment are provided with eye glasses and they are projectors in classrooms which can project texts so that they can see well and so that learning can be facilitated They are corridors that are designed to help learners on wheelchairs to move smoothly without any problem and they are also physical therapists, counsellors and support groups that help these learners. Question 3 You are appointed as inclusive educational officers at your r egion. You are given a responsibility to be one of the policy makers.What steps will you follow so that you create an effective school for all in your region? Developing a common philosophy and strategic plan The establishment of a school philosophy or mission statement serves as to define its intend in terms of how the needs of all learners will be addressed and to foster an individual and collective involvement and participation by all education professionals, families and communities towards acceptance and care for all learners included in the regular education classroom. Providing strong leadershipTo have responsibility to set the tone of the school and to ensure that decisions are made, challenges are met and interactions and processes are supported that are consistent with the school’s philosophy and defined purpose. Promoting school and classroom cultures that will welcome appreciate and accommodate diversity Make sure that schools have to acknowledge value, respect, e ducate and socialise all its learners. It has to develop a caring culture that welcomes, appreciates and accommodates all learners.The schools personnel have to attend to their learners needs for acceptance, belonging and friendships as the social environment significantly influences learning itself. The social interactions between the teacher and the learner and those among learners are critical ingredients in the learning process therefore each learner has to feel valued, safe, connected and cared for in order for inclusive education to succeed. Developing support networks It is important to develop school support networks for both teachers and learners needing encouragement and assistance in an inclusive education setting.The support network of a particular school may include various types of teams and other support systems that help ensure that the philosophy or mission statement of the school, to effectively meet the needs of all students, is operationalized. Using a deliberate process to ensure accountability Successful inclusion depends on a proactive process to ensure sufficient, effective and on-going planning and monitoring of the learners. Planning sessions must be treated as part of an on-going process and not as ends in themselves.Regular and efficient team meetings are necessary in order to monitor progress. Developing organised and on-going technical assistance There will be a need for regular, comprehensive and innovative staff development opportunities in schools, there will also be a need for a task force to provide technical assistance for all individuals involved in teaching learners with special educational needs in an inclusive education setting. Regular needs assessment should be conducted to identify the types and content of the technical assistance activities that are most needed.Maintaining flexibility To make sure that schools welcome and educate all its learners. It has to respond to the challenges posed by learners with diverse edu cational needs in their pursuit of education. Examining and adopting effective teaching approaches To see if they are best possible approaches and to ensure effective teaching and learning by all learners. L earners have varying strengths, weakness, needs and learning styles. Teachers need to know each learners well enough to have good sense of their, strengths and underdeveloped abilities.They also need to appreciate the varied talents and special abilities as well as the disabilities that their learners may bring to the classroom. Celebrating successes and learning challenges School staffs ought to be creative and innovative. They ought to demonstrate a positive focus and recognise the importance of acknowledging, celebrating and building on success. They also ought to develop a culture of self-reflection and continuous improvement. The schools needs to nourish and incorporate its successes into its school policy and day to day practice Being knowledgeable about the change process People experience and react to change differently. The change process can be slow and time consuming. Since change is considered a process, educators can use it as a rationale for slowly phasing in new practices in schools. to avoid implementation failure, all stakeholders at all levels must join together to facilitate a comprehensive planning of the new change that is consistent with the school’s mission statement. 3. 1 What are the challenges of inclusive education in Namibia? Not enough teachers trainingRegular education teachers often do not have the appropriate training or education to understand the needs of students who have disabilities. A teacher is not able to provide special needs students with enough care or attention in the classroom, so the student falls behind or acts out behaviourally. Even the most flexible teacher can have difficulty. Due to continued demands for standardized testing or other academic standards, she may be unable to be as creative in teachin g as she might otherwise be. General Education Practices Have Not Changed EnoughInclusion may not have changed teaching practices in the regular education classroom enough to benefit special needs students who are integrated into the classroom. Most classrooms tend to teach to average level students and it can be difficult for the learning disabled student to keep up with the pace of the classroom. Regular education teachers may resent slowing the classroom pace for the few special needs students, as they feel it might be detrimental to the majority of students in the classroom. Lack of Funding for Appropriate ResourcesSome of the detriments of inclusive education could be minimized if the regular education classroom had the appropriate resources available for teachers. For example, inclusive classrooms can be benefited by having a teacher's aid or paraprofessional in the classroom to assist the regular education teacher with behavioural issues, study skills and assignments of speci al needs students. Funding for these resources is sparse though, so the teacher may find that keeping control of a large inclusive classroom is beyond his abilities.Lower Educational Standards and Loss of Advocacy Parents and special education teachers may be concerned that the lesson plans in a regular education inclusive classroom will be watered down to accommodate the special needs students. This would end up being a detriment not only to the regular education student, but the special education student as well. Special education teachers are specifically trained to understand the strengths of individual disabled students. Therefore, lesson quality can be higher in the special education classroom.With the shift from special education classrooms to regular education classrooms, students could not only experience a loss of quality in the teaching, but a loss of advocacy from the teacher. 3. 2 Make recommendation how the challenges above can be solved. Having external support servic e This external support must be provided by an expert team (qualified staff) who needs to work at the regular school jointly with children, teachers, other services and education community as whole.Learners with special educational needs should receive additional instructional support in the context of the regular curriculum. Training regular teachers It is actually one of the foundations that can lead us to make inclusive education a successful reality. Qualified teachers know that classroom needs must be approaches from a curricular standpoint in which difficulties are defined depending on each specific task and activity and on classroom conditions. The types of curricula they develop are process based therefore they are flexible and they adjust to the unique diversity of each group.They are not based on learning goals that resort exclusively to testing to measure how much a child has learnt. Qualified teachers know that sometimes they need to modify materials, techniques, methods , etc. that when necessary they have to replace or skip activities that they might have to adjust scheduled times. Teaching-learning material Learners must have access to the materials that they need, learners with disabilities they are supposed to have in class-help, be extracted from certain activities, have additional after school-help and also to have additional homeworks.Physical access and learning environment Where physical factors pose barriers to learning and participation, simple ramps and internal classroom arrangements can easily help the situation. Furthermore, improvements in the physical environment of the centres of learning, such as the design of the building, the availability of water, electricity and toilet/sewerage facilities will enable students to participate in the range of learning activities in and out of the classroom and provision of necessary facilities learning aids and support materials.These changes benefit all students. Curriculum and Assessment Curri culum needs to be relevant to the children and flexible enough to respond to all children's needs. The curriculum can facilitate the development of more inclusive settings when it leaves room for the Centre of learning or the individual teacher to make adaptations so that it makes better sense in the local context and for the individual learner.Being re-trained in curriculum and evaluation, teachers need to be trained to change their attitude of special needs children. Conclusion In this assignment we mainly discussed about inclusive education, and we have seen that inclusive education is very important to our education system here in Namibia as it makes learners to accepted diversity and to make them feel that they are loved, cared for, valued and that they are important members of the society. It also improves the learning of learners and to know that they are all equal.Inclusive education must be implemented in schools and the steps we mentioned need to be followed in order to im plement an effective schools for all in my region as whole as Namibia at large. Challenges of inclusive education need to be addressed and solved, and also parents, teachers, learners and the community as a whole need to work together in order to have a successful inclusive education in Namibia. Reference list Haihambo, C. K. , Hengari, J. U. , & M? wes, A. D. (2010).Introduction to inclusive education. University of Namibia: Centre for external studies. Kirk,S. ,James. J,Coleman. M,& Nick,A. (2009). Educating exceptional children(13th ed. ). USA: Wadsworth. Walton,E. (n. d. ). Key challenges in inclusive education. Retrieved April 12,2013 from www. inclusion. co. za/media/docs/? key%? 20challenges%20of%? 20inclusive. Mae,L. (nd. ). Challenges of an inclusive classroom. Retrieved April 12,2013 from www. ehow. com  Ã¢â‚¬ º †¦Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬ º Parents of Students  Ã¢â‚¬ º Early Childhood Education.